1,753 research outputs found

    Heavy colored SUSY partners from deflected anomaly mediation

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    We propose a deflected anomaly mediation scenario from SUSY QCD which can lead to both positive and negative deflection parameters (there is a smooth transition between these two deflection parameter regions by adjusting certain couplings). Such a scenario can naturally give a SUSY spectrum in which all the colored sparticles are heavy while the sleptons are light. As a result, the discrepancy between the Brookheaven gμ−2g_\mu-2 experiment and LHC data can be reconciled in this scenario. We also find that the parameter space for explaining the gμ−2g_\mu-2 anomaly at 1σ1\sigma level can be fully covered by the future LUX-ZEPLIN 7.2 Ton experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Characterizing the performance of low impact development under changes in climate and urbanization

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    Over the past decades, climate change and urbanization have altered the regional hydro-environments, causing a series of stormwater management problems including urban flood and non-point pollution. Low impact development (LID) has been identified as a sustainable strategy for stormwater management. However, given the complex impacts of climate change and urbanization on hydro-environments, the performance of LID strategy under future changes remains largely unexplored. Accordingly, this research characterized the LID performance under changes in climate and urbanization. To provide an additional reference to sustainable stormwater management, the following specific topics were addressed: (1) Through hydraulic and water quality modeling, the LID performances of flood mitigation and pollution removal were systematically evaluated at the city scale. (2) Through uncertainty analysis, the impact of model parameter uncertainty on the LID performance was taken into account. (3) Through sensitivity analysis, the impact of LID technical parameters (e.g., surface features, soil textures) on the LID performance was quantified. (4) Through scenario analysis, the LID performances under different hydrological patterns were compared. (5) Through spatial analysis, the distribution of LID performance on different land-cover types was determined. (6) Through adopting general circulation model (GCM) projections, the LID performance under future climate scenarios with different representative concentration pathways (RCPs) was investigated. (7) Through adopting integrated assessment model (IAM) projections, the LID performance under future urbanization scenarios with different shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) was explored. (8) By coupling climate and urbanization projections with land-cover distribution, the spatiotemporal trends of LID performance in the future were characterized.:Table of Contents List of Abbreviations VII List of Peer-Reviewed Publications on the Ph.D. Topic IX List of Co-authored Peer-Reviewed Publications on the Ph.D. Topic X 1 General Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 3 1.3 Innovation and Contribution to the Knowledge 3 1.4 Outline of the Dissertation 4 1.5 References 5 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Hydraulic and Water Quality Modeling 9 2.1.1 Hydraulic Model 9 2.1.2 Water Quality Model 10 2.2 Low Impact Development (LID) 10 2.2.1 LID Practice 10 2.2.2 LID Performance 11 2.3 Performance Evaluation 13 2.3.1 Scenario Analysis 13 2.3.2 Spatial Analysis 13 2.3.3 Uncertainty Analysis 14 2.3.4 Sensitivity Analysis 14 2.4 Future Changes in Climate and Urbanization 15 2.4.1 Climate Change 15 2.4.2 Future Urbanization 16 2.5 References 17 3 Impact of Technical Factors on LID Performance 27 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Methods 30 3.2.1 Study Area 30 3.2.2 Model Description 31 Model Theory 31 Model Construction 31 Model Calibration and Validation 32 Model Uncertainty Analysis by GLUE Method 34 3.2.3 Hydrological Pattern Design 35 3.2.4 LID Strategy Design 35 Implementation of LID Practices 35 Sensitivity Analysis by Sobol’s Method 36 3.2.5 Correlation Analysis Using a Self-Organizing Map 37 3.2.6 Description of the RDS Load Components 37 3.3 Results 38 3.3.1 RDS Migration and Distribution in Baseline Strategy 38 RDS Migration under Hydrological Scenarios 38 RDS Distribution on Land-Cover Types 39 3.3.2 RDS Removal in LID Strategies 40 RDS Removal by LID Strategies 40 Spatial Distribution of the RDS Removal 42 LID Parameter Sensitivity Analysis Result 43 3.4 Discussion 45 3.4.1 Factors Influencing RDS Migration in the Baseline Strategy 45 3.4.2 RDS Removal Performance by LID Strategy 46 3.5 Conclusions 47 3.6 References 47 4 Impact of Hydro-Environmental Factors on LID Performance 53 4.1 Introduction 54 4.2 Methods 56 4.2.1 Study Area 56 4.2.2 Modeling Approach 56 Model Theory 56 Model Construction 56 Model Calibration and Validation 57 Model Uncertainty Analysis 57 4.2.3 LID Performance Analysis 58 LID Practice Implementation 58 LID Performance Evaluation 58 4.2.4 Hydrological Pattern Analysis 59 Scenario of ADP Length 59 Scenario of Rainfall Magnitude 59 Scenario of Long-Term pre-Simulation 60 4.2.5 Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrological Scenarios 60 4.3 Results 61 4.3.1 LID Performance under Different ADP Lengths 61 4.3.2 LID Performance under Different Rainfall Magnitudes 62 4.3.3 Spatial Distribution of LID Performance 63 4.3.4 Sensitivities of LID Performance to ADP Length and Rainfall Magnitude 66 4.4 Discussion 68 4.4.1 Impact of ADP Length and Rainfall Magnitude on LID Performance 68 4.4.2 Spatial Heterogeneity of LID Performance 68 4.4.3 Research Implications 69 4.5 Conclusions 70 4.6 References 71 5 Impact of Future Climate Patterns on LID Performance 77 5.1 Introduction 78 5.2 Methods 80 5.2.1 Study Area 80 5.2.2 Hydraulic and Water Quality Model 80 Model Development 80 Model Calibration and Validation 81 5.2.3 Climate Change Scenario Analysis 81 GCM Evaluation 81 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Concentration Scenario 82 GCM Downscaling 83 5.2.4 LID Performance Analysis 83 Implementation of LID Practices 83 Evaluation of LID Performance 84 Sensitivity Analysis on LID Performance 86 5.3 Results 86 5.3.1 Hydrological Characteristics under Future Climate Scenarios 86 5.3.2 LID Performance under Future Climate Scenarios 87 LID Short-Term Performance 87 LID Long-Term Performance 90 5.3.3 Impact of ADP Length and Rainfall Magnitude on LID Performance 92 LID Performance Uncertainty 92 Spatial Distribution of LID Performance 93 Sensitivity of LID Performance to Climate Change 95 5.4 Discussion 97 5.4.1 LID Performance in Short-Term Extremes and Long-Term Events 97 5.4.2 Impact of Climate Change on LID Performance 97 5.4.3 Research Implications 99 5.5 Conclusions 100 5.6 References 100 6 Impact of Climate and Urbanization Changes on LID Perfor-mance 109 6.1 Introduction 110 6.2 Methods 112 6.2.1 Study Area 112 6.2.2 Modeling Approach 112 Model Development 112 Model Calibration and Validation 113 6.2.3 Future Scenario Derivation 113 Climate Change Scenario 113 Urbanization Scenario 115 6.2.4 Flood Exposure Assessment 115 6.2.5 Implementation and Evaluation of LID Strategy 117 Implementation Scheme of LID Strategy 117 Performance Evaluation of LID Strategy 117 6.3 Results 118 6.3.1 Flood Exposure in Baseline and Future Scenarios 118 Hydrological Change in Future Climate Scenarios 118 Catchment Change in Future Urbanization Scenarios 118 Population and GDP Exposures to Flood in Future 121 6.3.2 Flood Exposure with Consideration of LID Strategy 123 Runoff Mitigation Performance of LID Strategy 123 Peak Mitigation Performance of LID Strategy 124 Population and GDP Exposures to Flood under LID Strategy 125 6.4 Discussion 126 6.4.1 Climate Change and Urbanization Exacerbated Flood Exposure Risk 126 6.4.2 LID Strategy Mitigated Flood Exposure Risk 126 6.5 Conclusions 127 6.6 References 127 7 Discussion and General Conclusions 133 7.1 Stormwater Management Performance of LID Strategy 133 7.2 Impact of Influencing Factors on LID Performance 134 7.3 LID Performance under Future Changes 135 7.4 Research Implications 136 7.5 References 137 8 Outlook of Future Research 139 8.1 Optimization of LID Performance 139 8.2 Cross-regional Study on Future Changes 139 8.3 Macro-scale Flood Risk Management 140 8.4 References 141 9 Appendices 143 9.1 Appendix for Chapter 3 143 9.1.1 The Determination of the GLUE Criteria 143 9.1.2 Model Uncertainty Analysis 143 9.1.3 The LID Installation Location 144 9.1.4 Figures 145 9.1.5 Tables 147 9.2 Appendix for Chapter 4 153 9.2.1 Scenario of Long-term pre-Simulation 153 9.2.2 Figures 153 9.2.3 Tables 158 9.3 Appendix for Chapter 5 164 9.3.1 Tables 164 9.4 Appendix for Chapter 6 169 9.4.1 Figures 169 9.4.2 Tables 170 9.5 Data Source 177 9.6 References 17

    CTP: phosphoethanolamine cytidylytransferase and DAG: CDP-ethanolamine ethanolaminephosphotransferase in the CDP-ethanolamine pathway of Chlamydomonas reinhardtti

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    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard does not have two major phospholipids, PS and PC. This fact renders C. reinhardtii a desirable system for investigations of the PE biosynthetic pathway and its regulation independent of PC and PS biosynthesis. The cDNA coding for ECT protein in C. reinhardtii was cloned from a cDNA library. The ECT cDNA encodes a protein of 443 amino acid residues. The ECT protein in C. reinhardtii has a repetitive internal sequence in its N- and C-terminal halves. Each repeat half of the protein has a HXGH motif, a site considered to be in the catalytic domain. The protein has a RTXGVSTT signature sequence typical of the cytidylyltransferase family. The first 70 amino acid residues appear to be a subcellular targeting signal to mitochondria. The translated product of cloned cDNA was expressed as a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein in E. coli, and was shown to have ECT activity. Northern blot analysis showed mRNA abundance is increased by reflagellation. The enzyme requires Mg2+ and pH 7.5 for maximum activity in vitro, and it appears to have a sequential reaction mechanism. The activity of the enzyme in vivo in C. reinhardtii cells changes during the cell cycle while the mRNA level does not change. A cDNA coding for EPT protein was obtained from a C. reinhardtii cDNA library. The EPT cDNA encodes a protein of 383 amino acid residues. The EPT protein has a signature sequence and a conserved region in the CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase family. Very similar membrane topology was found between the C. reinhardtii EPT and the aminoalcoholphosphotransferases from mammals, yeast and plants. A yeast mutant deficient in both cholinephosphotransferase and ethanolaminephosphotransferase was complemented by the C. reinhardtii EPT gene coding for EPT. Enzymatic assays of C. reinhardtii EPT from the complemented yeast microsomes demonstrated that the C. reinhardtii EPT synthesized PC in the transformed yeast. EPT activity from the transformed yeast or C. reinhardtii cells was inhibited nearly identically by unlabeled CDP-choline, CDP-ethanolamine and CMP. This provides evidence that C. reinhardtii EPT is capable of catalyzing the final step of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis, as well as that of phosphatidylethanolamine

    A split SUSY model from SUSY GUT

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    We propose to split the sparticle spectrum from the hierarchy between the GUT scale and the Planck scale. A split supersymmetric model, which gives non-universal gaugino masses, is built with proper high dimensional operators in the framework of SO(10) GUT. Based on a calculation of two-loop beta functions for gauge couplings (taking into account all weak scale threshold corrections), we check the gauge coupling unification and dark matter constraints (relic density and direct detections). We find that our scenario can achieve the gauge coupling unification and satisfy the dark matter constraints in some part of parameter space. We also examine the sensitivity of the future XENON1T experiment and find that the currently allowed parameter space in our scenario can be covered for a neutralino dark matter below about 1.0 TeV.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure; minor changes, references adde

    GPSP: Graph Partition and Space Projection based Approach for Heterogeneous Network Embedding

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    In this paper, we propose GPSP, a novel Graph Partition and Space Projection based approach, to learn the representation of a heterogeneous network that consists of multiple types of nodes and links. Concretely, we first partition the heterogeneous network into homogeneous and bipartite subnetworks. Then, the projective relations hidden in bipartite subnetworks are extracted by learning the projective embedding vectors. Finally, we concatenate the projective vectors from bipartite subnetworks with the ones learned from homogeneous subnetworks to form the final representation of the heterogeneous network. Extensive experiments are conducted on a real-life dataset. The results demonstrate that GPSP outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in two key network mining tasks: node classification and clustering.Comment: WWW 2018 Poste

    NMSSM with generalized deflected mirage mediation

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    We propose to generate a realistic soft SUSY breaking spectrum for Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) with a generalized deflected mirage mediation scenario, in which additional Yukawa and gauge mediation contributions are included to deflect the renormalization group equation(RGE) trajectory. Based on the Wilsonian effective action obtained by integrating out the messengers, the NMSSM soft SUSY breaking spectrum can be given analytically at the messenger scale. We find that additional contributions to mS2m_S^2 can possibly ameliorate the stringent constraints from the electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) and 125 GeV Higgs mass. Constraints from dark matter and fine-tuning are also discussed. The Barbieri-Giudice fine-tuning measure and electroweak fine-tuning measure in our scenario can be as low as O(1){\cal O}(1), which possibly indicates that our scenario is natural.Comment: Published version, minor changes; 28 pages, 6 figure
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